What is Achalasia?
The esophagus tube is the tube that delivers food from the throat to the stomach; it is also known as the food pipe. Achalasia is a serious esophagus disease. The esophagus is closed off from the stomach by the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES).

During swallowing, achalasia arises when the LES fails to open completely. This causes food to back up in your esophagus. Esophagus nerve damage can be the cause of this disease. Damage to the LES can also be a cause. If an individual is suffering from something like this, it is recommended to consult a doctor without delay. There are many reputed Achalasia Doctor in Delhi from whom people can seek treatment.
Causes of Achalasia
Achalasia can happen for numerous reasons. It could be hard for the general physician to analyze the particular cause. This condition can be genetic or the effect of an autoimmune condition, however, it is not always hereditary. The body's immune system attacks healthy cells by mistake when someone has this condition. Achalasia's symptoms are similar to some other conditions of the esophagus. Esophageal cancer is one of them.
Patients with achalasia face difficulty swallowing food or sometimes food gets stuck in the food pipe. Dysphagia is another term for this disease. Symptoms can cause coughing and increase the risk of aspiration, food inhalation, or choking. In addition, there are several more symptoms.
Chest pain or discomfort
Weight loss
Severe pain or uneasiness after eating
Diagnosing this condition requires an X-ray or other similar examination of the esophagus. A second option is an endoscopy, which is recommended by certain doctors. If the doctor suspects that there is a problem, he/she will put an endoscope-equipped tube down into the esophagus to diagnose achalasia.
The first-line treatment includes either dilation or alteration of the sphincter. Pneumatic dilation involves inserting and inflating a balloon into the esophagus. This helps the esophagus to function better by stretching out the sphincter. However, sometimes the sphincter is split apart by dilatation. As a result of this, the person may require additional surgery to repair it.